Shows 2024
20/01/2024 - Manchester: Mr T Johnston
10/03/2024 - Crufts: Mr Ken Crockett (Havasu)
25/03/2024 - Scottish Breeds: Mr Steve Jennings (Comdale)
06/04/2024 - National Terrier: Mrs Jennie Griffiths (Karamynd)
13/04/2024 - WHWT Club of England: Mrs Tracy Gaydon (Gilbri)
13/04/2024 - WHWT Club of England: Mrs Wendy Corri (Inverlen) (Subject to KC approval)
26/04/2024 - WELKS (no CC’s): Mrs Elaine Newton
12/05/2024 - Birmingham: Miss Ida Bouwhuis (Llovall) ***
16/05/2024 - Scottish Kennel Club (May): Mr Joe Edmondson (Pepabby)
16/05/2024 - Scottish Kennel Club (May): Mr Colin Powel
26/05/2024 - Bath: Mr Thomas Davison (Braxquin)***
01/06/2024 - Southern Counties: Mr Geoff Corish (Sealaw)
01/06/2024- WHWT of England Open Show: Mrs Gail Dixon (Chatterdale) (after judging at Southern Counties)
09/06/2024 - Three Counties: Mr Jeff Luscott
16/06/2024 - Border Union: Mr Robert Donachie
23/06/2024 - Blackpool : Mrs Liz Cartledge
01/07/2024 - Windsor: Mrs Dot Britten (Krisma)
05/07/2024 - Boston (no CC’s): Mrs Lesley Roberts
20/07/2024 - SWHWT Ch Show : Mrs Shauna Fryer (Hopecharm)
28/07/2024 - Leeds: Mr Mark Walshaw
02/08/2024 - Paignton: Mrs S. Goodwin (Spitewinter)
12/08/2024 - Bournemouth: Mr Darren Pearson (Winoski)
16/08/2024 - Welsh Kennel Club: Mr John Griffin (Burlemere)
25/08/2024 - Driffield: (no CCs): Miss Felicity Snook
31/08/2024 - City of Birmingham: Mr Frank Kane
/09/2024 - Richmond: Ms M Dale (Lynnsto)
13/09/2024 - Darlington: Mr J McGhie
24/09/2024 - Belfast: Mrs Jane Jenkins (Markstown)
/09/2024 - North of Ireland WHWT Club: Mr Douglas Berry (Incherill)
05/10/2024 - WHWT Club: Miss L. Gillott (Lizandycris)
11/10/2024 - South Wales: Mrs Julie Wall (Pepabby)
25/10/2024 - Midland Counties: Mr Espen Engh (Norway)(
12/12/2024 - LKA: Mrs Ann Milner (Juanne)
*** indicates first time with CC’s
Crufts: Miss M Burns (Burneze)
Crufts: Mrs J Coley (Kingsview)
Crufts : Mr Thomas West
(Dates and venues to be confirmed and are subject to change. Please check details with the relevant clubs or societies)
Click on the image to download the schedule.
Online entries: