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2009 (1)

Summer Open Show 2009

August 16 th . Judge Mrs S Fryer (Hopecharm)

After a trimming  demonstration by Roz Dunne ( Charosmack a Fancy dress competition was held , giving the show an even more summery feel

Line Up17

Special Beginners D/B No Entries

Minor Puppy Dog (4)

1st  Dunne’s Charosmack Cool Days BPD Br EXH, Charosmack Cool Spook X Ch Charosmack Cause To Wonder
2nd Owen’s Egremont Musketeer Br EXH, Multi Ch Bellevue Trigger Happy X Egremont Three Little Words
3rd Budge’s Charmedautum Dazzle Br Anthony, Rozamie Dreamon With Charmedautum X Walkonair Showtime With Charmedautum
4th Mealing’s Reifrandies Machrie  Br EXH, Duskhunter Team Spirit X Reifrandies Mingay

Charosmack Cool Days
Egremont Musketeer

1st  Minett’s Duskhunter For’n Connexion Br EXH, NZ Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Duskhunter Hi Spirits
2nd Macbean’s Pryorvale Euro Star Br EXH, NZ Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Pryorvale Mistletoe Magic

Puppy Dog (3, 1abs)

Duskhunter For’n Connexion
Pryorvale Euro Star

1st Lewis’ Lynnsto Man About Town Res Best Dog  Br Dale, Lynnsot Mastercard JW X Highcrest Enya Dreams Lynnsto
2nd Minett’s Duskhunter Dutch Courage Br EXH, Bellevue Going Dutch With Pryorvale X Duskhunter Rasamataze

Junior Dog (3, 1abs)

Lynnsto Man About Town
Duskhunter Dutch Courage

 1st Lynnsto Man About Town
2nd Morton’s Havasu Hey Dude For Swifdon Br Crockett, Ch Rus Ch Markstown Mr Havasu X Ch Havasu Hoipoloi
3rd Lorimay Brilliant Shai Ming Br EXH, Ch Lindenka Brannigan JW X Lorimay Tinkerbell Molek

Novice Dog (3)

Lynnsto Man About Town
Havasu Hey Dude For Swifdon

1st Lynnsto Man About Town
2nd Duskhunter Dutch Courage
3rd Kabel’s Llovall Aint Misbehavin Mr  Br EXH, Dutch Ch Llovall Leader Of The Pack X Llovall All That Jazz
4th Stock’s Lindenka Baxter Br Purchon, Ch LIndenka Brannigan JW X Lindenka Toffee Pudding
VHC Pegg’s Ambalasi Frisky Whisky Br Sweetzer, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Ambalasi Full Of Charm

Graduate Dog (9)

Duskhunter Dutch Courage
Lynnsto Man About Town

1st Bancroft’s Maisieglow Dream Believer Best dog  & BIS Br EXH, Ch Karamynd High As A Kite  X Rozamie Heart Beat At Maisieglow
2nd Macbean’s Bellevue Going Dutch With Pryorvale Br Squire, Ned/INt/Lux Ch Bellevue Careless Spirit X Bellevue Caught- U-Looking
3rd Carlin & Gillott’™s Lizandycris Pick Of The Pack Br EXH, Comdale Curtain Call At Lizandycris X Lizandycris Allayha
4th Thomson Brown & Pacheco’s Glenbrittle My Way To Ashgate Br McCaskill & Campbell, Am Ch Sweet Sound’s King Rock ’N’ Roll X Am Ch Glenbrittle Bebe’s  Annabelle
VHC Gallop’s Maedhlyn Summer Knight  Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Maedhlyn Suemaya

Mid Limit Dog (6,1 abs)

Maisieglow Dream Believer1


Bellevue Going Dutch With Pryorvale1

1st  Milner’s Joanne Gin ’N’ Ice BVIS & Res Best Bitch  Br Clowes, Juanne The Jouster X Just An Ace
2nd Ash’s Hillcloud Polestar Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Sinclair X Kergilliack Konfidante
3rd Mealing’s Reifrandies Gansie Maid Br EXH, Reifrandies First Clansman X Zinos Lorna Doone
4th Gallop’s Maedhlyn Suemaya Br EXH, Maedhlyn Cruachain JW X Maedhlyn Cherry Blossom JW

Open Dog (2)

1st West’s Karamynd Playing Away At Tomlyndon JW Br Griffiths, Ch Karamynd Play The Game JW X Ch Karamynd Paws For Applause
2nd Napierala’s Int Ch, Ch.PL.MT.CH.PL 2W.EUR.SR08,Zagreb W08, Adria W08 Ashgate Euonymus  Br Davis, Ashgate Sheriff X Ashgate Arum Lily

Karamynd Playing Away At Tomlyndon JW
Int Ch, Ch.PL.MT.CH.PL 2W.EUR.SR08,Zagreb W08, Adria W08 Ashgate Euonymus

Veteran Dog/Bitch (4)

Joanne Gin ‘N’ Ice
Hillcloud Polestar1

1st Sweetzer’s Ambalasi Full Of Ambition Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Ambalasi Full Of Charm
2nd Windram’s Cassara Princess Br EXH, Trethmore Tall Story X Barnwin Im Daisy May
3rd  Chambers’ Circinus Winning Ambition Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Circinus Snowflake Gem
4th White’s Dragonsway Ice Maiden Br Cummins Ashgate Inish Biggle X Waterflow Tammy

Unbeaten Dog

Minor Puppy Bitch (3)

1st Ash’s Hillcloud Drizzle BPIS Br EXH, Gilbri Williwontee X Olton Aye Precious Pearl At Hillcloud
2nd West’s Tomlyndon Reign On Parade Br EXH, Karamynd Playing Away At Tomlyndon JW X Tomlyndon Trisca
3rd Kabel’s Lllovall And All That Br EXH, Llovall Aint Misbehavin Mr X Krisma Roll The Dice For Llovall

Hillcloud Drizzle 2
Tomlyndon Reign On Parade

Puppy Bitch (7, 2 abs)

1st Minett’s Pryorvale O’Lala At Duskhunter Br Macbean, Nz Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Pryorvale Mistletoe Magic
2nd Macbean’s Pryorvale My Cherie Amour Br EXH, Nz Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Pryorvale Mistletoe Magic
3rd Cooper’s Brorastar Ain’t She Sweet Br EXH, Nz Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Ashgate Camellia
4th Ash’s Hillcloud Cirrus Sky Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Ashgate Auchattie Of Hillcloud
VHC Stock’s Lindenka Apple Charlotte Br Purchon, Ch Havasu Pai X Lindenka Summer Pudding

Pryorvale O’Lala At Duskhunter
Pryorvale My Cherie

Junior Bitch (2)

1st Harper’s Westigo In On The Act Br EXH, Ch Bellevue Caught In The Act At Jillso X Westigo Senzational
2nd Robinson’s Matanya Rebekah Br EXH, Ashgate Inish Biggles X Lindley Melmer Of Matanya

Novice Bitch (1)

Westigo In On The Act
Matanya Rebekah

1st  Harper’s Westigo Precious Spirit Br EXH, Ch Bellevue Careless Spirit X Westigo Scampanata

Westigo Precious Spirit

Graduate Bitch (5,1 abs)

Ambalasi Full Of Ambition1
Cassara Princess

BIS  Bancroft’s Maisieglow Dream Believer
BOS & RBIS Carlin & Gillott’s Lizandycris Girl Of Action
BPIS Ash’s Hillcloud DrizzleBVIS Milner’s Joanne Gin ’N’ Ice

Mid Limit Bitch (6, 3 abs)

1st & Best Bitch & Res BIS Carlin & Gillott’s Lizandycris Girl Of Action Br EXH, Ch Comdale Action Man X Lynnsto Code Name Cora At Lizandycris
2nd Mealing’s Reifrandies Mingay Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Reifrandies Gansie Maid
3rd Gallop’s Maedhlyn Summer Love Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Maedhlyn Suemaya

Lizandycris Girl Of Action1
Reifrandies Mingay

Open Bitch (6, 3 abs)

1st Milner’s Juanne Gin ’N’ Soda Br EXH, Newtonglen Covenanter Of Rozamie X Joanne Gin ’€˜N’ Ice
2nd Chambers’ Circinus Snowdrop Beauty Br EXH, Ashgate Inish Biggle X Circinus Snowflake Gem
3rd Hooper’s Yorsar Fivepenny Borg Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Yorsar Fernie

Juanne Gin ‘N’ Soda
Circinus Snowdrop Beauty
Line Up18
Hillcloud Drizzle