Summer Open Show 2009
August 16 th . Judge Mrs S Fryer (Hopecharm)
After a trimming demonstration by Roz Dunne ( Charosmack a Fancy dress competition was held , giving the show an even more summery feel
Special Beginners D/B No Entries
Minor Puppy Dog (4)
1st Dunne’s Charosmack Cool Days BPD Br EXH, Charosmack Cool Spook X Ch Charosmack Cause To Wonder
2nd Owen’s Egremont Musketeer Br EXH, Multi Ch Bellevue Trigger Happy X Egremont Three Little Words
3rd Budge’s Charmedautum Dazzle Br Anthony, Rozamie Dreamon With Charmedautum X Walkonair Showtime With Charmedautum
4th Mealing’s Reifrandies Machrie Br EXH, Duskhunter Team Spirit X Reifrandies Mingay
1st Minett’s Duskhunter For’n Connexion Br EXH, NZ Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Duskhunter Hi Spirits
2nd Macbean’s Pryorvale Euro Star Br EXH, NZ Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Pryorvale Mistletoe Magic
Puppy Dog (3, 1abs)
1st Lewis’ Lynnsto Man About Town Res Best Dog Br Dale, Lynnsot Mastercard JW X Highcrest Enya Dreams Lynnsto
2nd Minett’s Duskhunter Dutch Courage Br EXH, Bellevue Going Dutch With Pryorvale X Duskhunter Rasamataze
Junior Dog (3, 1abs)
1st Lynnsto Man About Town
2nd Morton’s Havasu Hey Dude For Swifdon Br Crockett, Ch Rus Ch Markstown Mr Havasu X Ch Havasu Hoipoloi
3rd Lorimay Brilliant Shai Ming Br EXH, Ch Lindenka Brannigan JW X Lorimay Tinkerbell Molek
Novice Dog (3)
1st Lynnsto Man About Town
2nd Duskhunter Dutch Courage
3rd Kabel’s Llovall Aint Misbehavin Mr Br EXH, Dutch Ch Llovall Leader Of The Pack X Llovall All That Jazz
4th Stock’s Lindenka Baxter Br Purchon, Ch LIndenka Brannigan JW X Lindenka Toffee Pudding
VHC Pegg’s Ambalasi Frisky Whisky Br Sweetzer, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Ambalasi Full Of Charm
Graduate Dog (9)
1st Bancroft’s Maisieglow Dream Believer Best dog & BIS Br EXH, Ch Karamynd High As A Kite X Rozamie Heart Beat At Maisieglow
2nd Macbean’s Bellevue Going Dutch With Pryorvale Br Squire, Ned/INt/Lux Ch Bellevue Careless Spirit X Bellevue Caught- U-Looking
3rd Carlin & Gillott’s Lizandycris Pick Of The Pack Br EXH, Comdale Curtain Call At Lizandycris X Lizandycris Allayha
4th Thomson Brown & Pacheco’s Glenbrittle My Way To Ashgate Br McCaskill & Campbell, Am Ch Sweet Sound’s King Rock ’N’ Roll X Am Ch Glenbrittle Bebe’s Annabelle
VHC Gallop’s Maedhlyn Summer Knight Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Maedhlyn Suemaya
Mid Limit Dog (6,1 abs)
1st Milner’s Joanne Gin ’N’ Ice BVIS & Res Best Bitch Br Clowes, Juanne The Jouster X Just An Ace
2nd Ash’s Hillcloud Polestar Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Sinclair X Kergilliack Konfidante
3rd Mealing’s Reifrandies Gansie Maid Br EXH, Reifrandies First Clansman X Zinos Lorna Doone
4th Gallop’s Maedhlyn Suemaya Br EXH, Maedhlyn Cruachain JW X Maedhlyn Cherry Blossom JW
Open Dog (2)
1st West’s Karamynd Playing Away At Tomlyndon JW Br Griffiths, Ch Karamynd Play The Game JW X Ch Karamynd Paws For Applause
2nd Napierala’s Int Ch, Ch.PL.MT.CH.PL 2W.EUR.SR08,Zagreb W08, Adria W08 Ashgate Euonymus Br Davis, Ashgate Sheriff X Ashgate Arum Lily
Veteran Dog/Bitch (4)
1st Sweetzer’s Ambalasi Full Of Ambition Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Ambalasi Full Of Charm
2nd Windram’s Cassara Princess Br EXH, Trethmore Tall Story X Barnwin Im Daisy May
3rd Chambers’ Circinus Winning Ambition Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Circinus Snowflake Gem
4th White’s Dragonsway Ice Maiden Br Cummins Ashgate Inish Biggle X Waterflow Tammy
Minor Puppy Bitch (3)
1st Ash’s Hillcloud Drizzle BPIS Br EXH, Gilbri Williwontee X Olton Aye Precious Pearl At Hillcloud
2nd West’s Tomlyndon Reign On Parade Br EXH, Karamynd Playing Away At Tomlyndon JW X Tomlyndon Trisca
3rd Kabel’s Lllovall And All That Br EXH, Llovall Aint Misbehavin Mr X Krisma Roll The Dice For Llovall
Puppy Bitch (7, 2 abs)
1st Minett’s Pryorvale O’Lala At Duskhunter Br Macbean, Nz Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Pryorvale Mistletoe Magic
2nd Macbean’s Pryorvale My Cherie Amour Br EXH, Nz Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Pryorvale Mistletoe Magic
3rd Cooper’s Brorastar Ain’t She Sweet Br EXH, Nz Ch Candido Du Moulin De Macgregor X Ashgate Camellia
4th Ash’s Hillcloud Cirrus Sky Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Ashgate Auchattie Of Hillcloud
VHC Stock’s Lindenka Apple Charlotte Br Purchon, Ch Havasu Pai X Lindenka Summer Pudding
Junior Bitch (2)
1st Harper’s Westigo In On The Act Br EXH, Ch Bellevue Caught In The Act At Jillso X Westigo Senzational
2nd Robinson’s Matanya Rebekah Br EXH, Ashgate Inish Biggles X Lindley Melmer Of Matanya
Novice Bitch (1)
1st Harper’s Westigo Precious Spirit Br EXH, Ch Bellevue Careless Spirit X Westigo Scampanata
Graduate Bitch (5,1 abs)
BIS Bancroft’s Maisieglow Dream Believer
BOS & RBIS Carlin & Gillott’s Lizandycris Girl Of Action
BPIS Ash’s Hillcloud DrizzleBVIS Milnerâ€s Joanne Gin ’N’ Ice
Mid Limit Bitch (6, 3 abs)
1st & Best Bitch & Res BIS Carlin & Gillott’s Lizandycris Girl Of Action Br EXH, Ch Comdale Action Man X Lynnsto Code Name Cora At Lizandycris
2nd Mealing’s Reifrandies Mingay Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Reifrandies Gansie Maid
3rd Gallop’s Maedhlyn Summer Love Br EXH, Ashgate Sheriff X Maedhlyn Suemaya
Open Bitch (6, 3 abs)
1st Milner’s Juanne Gin ’N’ Soda Br EXH, Newtonglen Covenanter Of Rozamie X Joanne Gin ’€˜N’ Ice
2nd Chambers’ Circinus Snowdrop Beauty Br EXH, Ashgate Inish Biggle X Circinus Snowflake Gem
3rd Hooper’s Yorsar Fivepenny Borg Br EXH, Ch Ashgate Scots Progress X Yorsar Fernie