2012 Southern Open Show
Saturday, 2ND June 2012
Judge: Mr Thomas West (Tomlyndon)
Best in Show: Carlin & Gillott’s LIZANDYCRIS AINT SHE GRAND
Reserve Best in Show: Griffiths’ KARAMYND MAKE A SPLASH
Best Opposite Sex, Best Dog & Best Puppy in Show: Jennings‘COMDALE JOHNNY BOY
Special Beginners (No Entries):
Minor Puppy (2):
1st: Milner's JUANNE FLAMENCO FINLAY, 29.9.11, br: owner, by Rozamie Passion For Fashion ex Rozamie Merry Go Round by Juanne
2nd: Mealings’ REIFRANDIES THE MACHAIR, 30.11.11, br: owner, by Ch Bellevue Spirit Catcher ex Reifrandies Mingay
Puppy (3, 1):
1st: Jennings' COMDALE JOHNNY BOY, 6.8.11, br: owner, by Walk The Line vom Deipen Brook to Krisma ex Ch Llovall As Mama Said to Comdale Best Dog & Best Puppy in Show
2nd: Dingley’s Davot CHI-KI CHAP, 14.7.11, br. Owner, by Ch Davot Chivalrous Chap JW ex Davot Chi-Ki JW
Junior (3,1):
1st: Storey's NOSSIMP WRITTEN IN THE STARS, 2.12.10, br: owner, by Lizandycris Out To Play ex Lizandycris Meaoki at Nossimp Reserve Best Dog
2nd: Hayton's PEDROHAY ROBERTO, 19.5.11, br: owner, by Inverglen Banjo ex Pedrohay Silver Rosebud
Novice (2):
1st: Dunne’s CHAROSMACK CHANGES PACE, 23.11.10, br: owner, by Lizandycris Out To Play ex Charosmack Caught Lovin You
2nd: Windram’s LEONARDO VENTURA, 29.5.12, br: owner, by Rozamie Passion For Fashion ex Cochansa Dales Pride
Graduate (1):
1st: Pegg’s AMBALASI FRISKY WHISKY, 13.3.07, br: Sweetzer, by Multi CH Ashgate Scots Progress ex Ambalasi Full Of Charm
Mid Limit (5,1):
1st: Carlin & Gillott’s LIZANDYCRIS DEVLIN DISGUISE, 5.4.10, br: owner, by Ch Davot Chivalrous Chap JW ex Lizandycris Girl Of Action
2nd: Noyce's MAXULA NAME OF THE GAME, 9.7.08, br: owner, by UK/Int Ch Karamynd Play The Game ex Barwest Bright As A New Pin at Maxula
3rd: Squire's KIMGARWYN ARLO, 1.4.10, br: owner, by Ch Kimgarwyn Alco ex Kimgarwyn Bramble
4th: Budge’s ROZAMIE ICICLE, 28.2.06, br: owner, by Rozamie Billy Baloo ex Newtonglen Pretty Women At Rozamie
Open (4,3):
1st : Carlin & Gillott’s LIZANDYCRIS OUT TO PLAY, 16.7.09, br: Owner, by Ch/INT CH Karamynd Play The Game JW ex Bocharo Miss Tique At Lizandycris
Veteran Dog or Bitch (2,1):
1st: Milner's JUANNE GIN'N'SODA (bitch), 7.2.02, br: owner, by Ch Newtonglen Covenanter of Rozamie ex Joanne Gin'n'Ice Best Veteran in Show
Minor Puppy (6,3):
1st: Gaydon's BELLEVUE WANNA BE AT GILBRI, 6.10.11, br: Squire, by Gilbri Williwontee ex Krisma Joyrider
2nd: Squire's KIMGARWYN ORCHID, 22.9.11, br: owner, by Llovall Ain't Misbehavin Mr ex Kimgarwyn Opal
3rd: Mealings’ REIFRANDIES MUIRNE, 30.11.11, br: owner, by Ch Bellevue Spirit Catcher ex Reifrandies Mingay
Puppy (8,1):
1st: Noyce's MAXULA BOX OF TRICKS, 20.6.11, br: owner, by Ch Hopecharm Willie Makeit for Karamynd ex Maxula Aim To Play
2nd: Britten's KRISMA STORM IN A TEACUP, 31.8.11, br: owner, by Walk The Line vom Deipen Brook ex Krisma Ticks The Box
3rd: Dunne’s HILLCLOUD ICE FLACKE AT CHAROSMACK, 27.6.11, br: Ash, by UK/Int Ch Ashgate Scot's Progress ex Ch Hillcloud Drizzle
4th: Squire's KIMGARWYN MISS MOLLY, 22.9.11, br: owner, by Kimgarwyn Arlo ex Kimgarwyn Chit Chat
VHC: Ash's HILLCLOUD ICE, 27.7.11, br: UK/Int Ch Ashgate Scot's Progress ex Ch Hillcloud Drizzle
Junior (4,1):
1st: Jennings' COMDALE STARR, 1.1.11, br: owner, by Ch Pepabby Prank ex Comdale Talk The Talk
2nd: Storey's NOSSIMP ONLY GIRL IN COMMAND, 2.12.10, br: owner, by Lizandycris Out To Play ex Lizandycris Meaoki at Nossimp
3rd: Hayton's PEDROHAY SILVER MAGNOLIA, 19.5.11, br: owner, by Inverglen Banjo ex Pedrohay Silver Rosebud
Novice (5,2):
1st: Jennings' COMDALE STARR
2nd: Harper’s WESTIGO SHEEZA DELIGHT, 11.3.11, br: owner, by Ch Comdale Action Man ex Westigo In On The Act
Class 18, Graduate (6,2):
1st: Jennings' COMDALE STARR
2nd : Davison’s BRAXQUIN BEGINNING A DREAM, 4,3,10, br: owner, by Lindenka Bennington ex Bensted Manna Mielle Fieule At Braxquin
3rd : Harper's WESTIGO SO FA SO GOOD, 1.3.11, br: owner, by Ch Comdale Action Man ex Westigo Precious Spirit
4th: Pegg’s BELLEVUE DREAM SPIRIT, 14.3.09, br:owner, by Ch Bellebue Spirit Catcher ex Bellevue Honey Bee
Class 20, Mid Limit (6,3):
1st : Gaydon's GILBRI ROYAL SAPPHIRE, 21.9.10, br: owner, by Ch Bellevue Going Dutch with Pryorvale ex Ch Wistonant Royal Ruby at Gilbri
2nd: Windram’s COCHANSA DALES PRIDE, 18.9.08, br: Coles, by Juanne Jaunty Jack Tar Of Rozamie ex Cochansa Vanilla Flurry
3rd: Sweetzer’s BELLEVUE WILD AT HEART, 3.6.10, br: Squire, by The Dashing Devils Shotgun ex Bellevue Honey Bee
Class 21, Open (4):
1st: Carlin & Gillott's LIZANDYCRIS AIN'T SHE GRAND, 17.1.10, br: owner, by Karamynd Play It Again ex Lizandycris Allyah Best Bitch & Best in Show
2nd: Griffiths' KARAMYND MAKE A SPLASH, 19.10.06, br: owner, by Ch Hopecharm Willie Makeit for Karamynd ex Krisma Trouble In Mind at Karamynd Reserve Best Bitch & Reserve Best in Show
3rd: Dunne’s CHAROSMACK CANDLELIGHT, 22.11.08, br: owner, Ch/INT Ch Havasu Pai ex Charosmack Caught Lovin You
4th : Lilley & Milling's LILMILL GIV ME YOUR ANSWER DO, 25.12.07, br: owner, by Kyntilly Just The Measure ex Kenmillto Front Page News at Lilmill
Many thanks for the contribution of photos from Steve & Denise Jennings